Monday 2 March 2015

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Many a Nigerian can probably recall one incident or the other from their schooling days involving chewing gums - usually resulting in some form of punishment or the other.
Indeed, chewing gums have been bedeviled by many and for countless reasons. But do you know that they infact have some benefits to the body?
We did some searching and found that they had some surprising benefits for the body.
Here are some of them:

  1. Boosts the memory: According to a 2013 study done in Cardiff University, United Kingdom, 2 groups of people listened to a 30-minute recording of a number sequence and when asked to recall the sequence, the group chewing recalled the sequence faster and with more accuracy than the non-chewing group. It was suggested that chewing gums helps focus on tasks that require monitory over a long period of time.
  2. Great for dieting: Notice how you don't feel so hungry when you chew gum? That's because the act of chewing and the flavour helps fight cravings for food or snacks which is great for those on a diet.
  3. Reduces stress/tension: According to research, chewing gum can help cope with stressful or tension-filled situtations.
  4. Improves digestion: The frequent swallowing that comes with chewing gum is great for digestion because it helps keep digestive acids in the stomach. So next time you're done with a meal, you might want to pop a chewing gum in your mouth to aid the digestive process.


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