Thursday 5 March 2015

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College education today is vital for the success of one’s career. After all, spending a lot of time and paying hefty fees at a college shouldn’t go waste in one’s life. Before this proper selection of the college degree is one of the important decisions that a student has to take before joining the college. Finding something you love or passionate about is great but knowing whether you can find employment prospects from the same stays on the big picture.
If you are willing to spend tens of thousand dollars on the college education then all the expenses later in your life should commensurate with the money earned in life. These days with the saturated economy going on, there are no guarantees that you will find a job easily through any degree you select. Even though it’s the life of student, parents and counselors should advise students about how really the job industry works. So if you are ready to choose a degree at a college you need to engage in serious discussion with career counselors to know which is the best degree for your career. But the list below on 5 worst college degrees will help you to avoid joining a degree that might not pay back.

5 Worst Degrees

1. Religion

If you plan to become a pastor, priest or minister at a religious institution and want to take a degree for that then the rewards are not heavenly. God tells you to sacrifice and be in peace but not to have good monetary benefits. When you take loans for completing a degree on this, it will be hard to pay back from the pastor’s salary later.

2. Latin

If you are interested to study Latin and have a degree in it then you must be knowing very less about the world today. There is no way you can expect a good job of it unless you become a professor at the college. Again, to enter teaching profession you need to do more schooling and acquire a master’s degree in teaching.

3. English Literature

English is used everywhere but what job positions will you get after having a degree in English Literature? Maybe you can be a writer, book editor or teach at school/college. Some would also end up being a bookstore clerk and get underpaid. Jobs related to English Literature degree don’t give the same value to a person as they did before.

4. Music Therapy

This seems new, relaxing, and refreshing. But the truth is it can create a lot of stress in your life without giving you a secure career in life. Today people never search for person holding a Music therapy degree to provide them soothing music. They will browse the internet, download, and listen to it by using an I-pod, PC or a radio. Again, the equipment and service doesn’t even cost more than your semester books. Why would anyone look for a music therapist? If you are wise then you will avoid this.

5. Art History

Maybe you watched some documentaries on the history channel and liked it. Or you might have been a curator at art museum and want to take up degree in Art history. Well, if you are confirmed that the post at the museum is yours and you need a degree urgently, then go for it. Otherwise, let us enlighten you that there are not much curator jobs available today. Art History is colorful and beautiful but your career as a curator is not fruitful.
Some of the other fields that you must avoid are American Studies, Communications, Dance, Film, and Philosophy. If you have are teeming with talents then we suggest you to work hard on it and choose the degree of your interest. Otherwise, do what society demands from you the most.


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