Monday 2 March 2015

culled from:
Sneak a peek at six revealing building blocks to help you set a solid and happy foundation. Get these six things moving in your life and you will set off powerful chain reactors that will allow you to enjoy more happiness, love, joy and abundance in your life!


Happiest you Step 1.jpg
Believe in Yourself. Know who you are. Strive to love yourself for all of your unique, exceptional and distinctive qualities. Embrace your right to be happy. Get in touch with all the small, silly and substantial things that make you smile. They are uniquely yours. You have your own blissful happiness support system deep inside of you.
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    Be Open. Try new stuff. Discover more people, places, ideas and activities that delight and amuse you. There is no end to the supply of wonderful, beautiful, pleasurable, enlightening, tranquil and exhilarating experiences just waiting in the wings to dance with you. Play with the possibilities and be open to finding lots more happiness that is personally yours.
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    Be Active. Actively seek out happiness and take small actions to sustain you. If you were hungry, you would seek out food. Until and unless you get up, decide what you want to fulfill your happiness and take action to bring it into your life, your happy hunger won't be satiated.
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    Be with Others. People are powerful magnets that can help pull you toward your vision for happiness. Find people who share your common loves. Share small happiness miracles and blessings that pop up around you daily. Be thrilled when friends and family members around you feel happy. Celebrate it with them! The more happiness you give the more you will receive. See the infinite possibilities of seeking, sharing and spreading happiness.
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    Be Attentive. Wrap all of the above B's with a bow of attention. Know each and every feeling, action and reaction that feels good and supports you. Be mindful to add more into your life. The more happiness you are willing to add, the more it compounds and sinks deep into your soul.
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    Live in the present moment. When you live in the present moment, instead of worrying about the future and those things you cannot control, you can focus on those experiences and personal relationships that bring you the most pleasure, no matter how small.


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