Monday 2 March 2015

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Forgiveness is important to preserve one's health, to find inner balance and to maintain positive relationships. Sometimes it's hard to forgive. How can we reach forgiveness?


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Take the situation as it is and accept that most likely, there is nothing you can do to change that.
  1. Become Positive Through Forgiveness Step 2.jpg
    Decide for the way of love, positivity and health.
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    Decide for happy relationships.
  3. Become Positive Through Forgiveness Step 4.jpg
    Look carefully at every problem. Know where must be acted and where forgiveness is right.
  4. Become Positive Through Forgiveness Step 5.jpg
    Find your thought of forgiveness. What are your goals? What is your path? What are your enemies (opponents)? Who hurt you? How can you get to harmony? What is the way of rightness? What does your love for all beings tell you?
  5. Become Positive Through Forgiveness Step 6.jpg
    "My thought of forgiveness is ..." Forgive your neighbor, yourself or life. "I forgive the cosmos, that my life is so hard sometimes. I forgive myself that I am not perfect. I forgive ... "
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    Find with your fellow humans to find a way by which all parties can live with. Find a compromise that is acceptable to all sides. "The positive way is ..."
  7. Become Positive Through Forgiveness Step 8.jpg
    Always remember: We all live in one world. Everything is connected to everything, materially, spiritually and emotionally. We can ultimately only be happy together. A world of love, peace and happiness benefits all. 
  8. Tips

  9. The great secret of happiness is that it is to 90% dependent on the inside of a person. We need to structure our inner positive if we want to be happy in our lives. If we understand the inner happiness as the main goal in our life, we can also recognize the right path to happiness. We can develop our personal path of happiness, live according to the correct principles and then one day celebrate its harvest. Although every person has his personal way of happiness, in essence all people have the same principles of life: positive thinking, healthy living and loving interaction with other people.
  10. Without forgiveness you harden inside. You block your energy of happiness. You put this in all your future relationships. It is very important to obtain forgiveness. Even though it is sometimes very difficult. Forgiveness is to become healthy inside. Jesus taught to love his enemies. The first step is to come to forgiveness. Without forgiveness, there will always be wars in the world. If we want peace, the world should learn to forgive


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