Thursday 5 March 2015

A happy couple


A lot of marriages come to an end simply because the relationship has lost its spark.
The two people involved in the union no longer feel the way they did when they said "I do" at the altar.
With time, romance fizzles out and it takes conscious effort from the couple to get things back to the way they used to be.
Online divorce service, MyDivorcePapers (MDP), shares with us some simple tips for keeping the fire of love burning in your marriage:
  • Acknowledge personal time: Sometimes, divorce arises simply because either spouse has refused to acknowledge their 'alone time'. Just like a battery, every relationship needs to be recharged when it starts running low. That means sometimes it's fine to spend time independent of each other or get lost in your thoughts. You need not take this as a sign of impending trouble in the relationship. In fact, it is actually the opposite.
  • Avoid routine: The truth is, marriage and long-term relationships are at a high risk of tedium. This is mostly because the couple no longer give themselves something to look forward to anymore. Therefore, it is very important to start planning a life beyond the norm and get out of your complacent comfort zone. Plan an overnight trip four or six months ahead. If you two agree on a trip that both of you can actually enjoy, then that will add a twinge of anticipation to your usual day-to-day routines.
  • Share your partner's interests: This does not mean you have to like what your significant other or spouse does with the same enthusiasm and fervor, but it means you should at least make an effort to share the same interests or simply support them. It could be as simple as going to a basketball game one weekend and a dance class the next. However, it shouldn't be one-sided otherwise the spouse who's always giving in will start to feel as if they are losing their identity, and that is absolutely not healthy for any realtionship.
  • Show kindness to each other everyday: You don't really have to do something grand for your partner. However, a simple gesture like watching over your child so your partner can have some alone time, goes a long way. The point to note here is that you have to be conscious and consistent with doing something nice for your spouse everyday and not just once in a while.


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